Paysage d’orientationsQuentin Scandela (FR)

Scandela’s installation on the shore of Annecy Lake is designed to raise climate change awareness. Connecting scientific data with the mountains visitors are looking at, he reminds us that the mountains may not be there forever. Made of recycled materials, the installation raises our ecological consciousness.
Paysage d’orientations borrows the concept of a panoramic table but replaces the geographical data with climate information. The level of CO2 emissions is indicated as global temperatures rise, showing how two, three, or four more degrees will affect our environment. While admiring the view of the mountains―enhanced by transparent colored plates―we experience their strong presence but realize they are fragile.

Born in 1996, the young French designer Quentin Scandela lives and works in Saint-Étienne. After obtaining a 2-year degree in product design from the Olivier de Serres School of Art and Design in Paris, he continued his studies and obtained and advanced Applied Arts degree in product design from the LAAB school in Rennes. The ecological emergency made him question his work, and he is now a post-graduate student at School of Art and Design in Saint-Étienne. He hopes to use this year of design research to reorient his work to raise awareness about ecological and societal issues.

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Winner of the 2019 call for projects for young talent

Avec le soutien de la Caisse des Dépôts


Call for projects by young talent

Since its creation, the Annecy Paysages Festival has sought to encourage and support emerging talent. Every year we launch a call for projects to design and produce artistic or landscape installations in the public space.

Caisse des dépôts