
When art and nature meet

Naturopolis, was a collaborative project, as part of the Interreg France-Switzerland 2014-2020 program, between Annecy and Lausanne: two alpine and lakeside cities benefiting from an exceptional and similar environment, ecosystem and urban landscapes.


Naturopolis was born from the desire to share, between Annecy and Lausanne, artistic and plant works, creative teams, and to highlight the same spaces in both cities.
The project also highlighted their landscapes through culture and nature, and presented concrete activities such as the creation of new edible gardens, participatory days to get your hands in the earth and walks, among others.


During the four years of the project, several natural sites in the two cities were the subject of shared reflection for the promotion of landscape and artistic actions which, in 2019, took Lausanne Jardins (Switzerland) and Annecy as a framework. landscapes (France).

These events hosted in both cities:

  • 24 “mirror” projects: projects located on natural sites in urban areas of Lausanne and Annecy with similar characteristics;
  • 8 twinned projects: projects in Lausanne and Annecy carried out by the same teams of landscapers, architects, artists or on the basis of a common analysis and production process;
  • 4 projects exchanged: flagship projects from one city which can be reproduced in the other city (2 from Lausanne and 2 from Annecy).

Of all these projects, 6 works will be perpetuated in Annecy and 10 in Lausanne.


The objective at the heart of Naturopolis was to bring us closer to the earth and nature and to amaze us through artistic works opening the door to reflection on our future, on the impact we have on the planet and on the reality of climate change.

The “NATUROPOLIS” project is supported by the European cross-border cooperation program Interreg V France-Switzerland and as such benefits from financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of €1,528,925 over the period 2018-2021.

Lausanne Gardens

Lausanne Jardins is a cultural event combining landscaping and reflection on the city. Over the course of a summer, the event proposes to insert gardens into urban space: streets, squares, abandoned land, building facades or roofs. Around thirty contemporary gardens resulting from an international competition, which follow one another along a thematic walk.
Access is free, 24 hours a day, for four months, from mid-June to mid-October.

The next edition will take place during the summer of 2024. The call for applications for the international ideas competition will be made in 2022.


Lausanne Gardens
“Naturopolis” program Annecy / Lausanne
supported by the European territorial cooperation program INTERREG V France-Switzerland