The app

Annecy paysages with the app, it’s better !


Augmented walk & geolocated routes
Created in 2021, the Annecy landscapes application gives you access to several suggested routes to discover the festival, to the presentation of each work and artist, and to an interactive tool to share your experience!


New for the 2022 edition: four works in augmented reality!
Developed by the students of the training center L’École by CCI – Campus Digital – Gobelins Annecy and Async, a young digital creation studio based in Annecy, experience augmented reality and discover these 4 virtual works integrated in the Annecy landscapes.


–> Download it on Play Store and App Store.

Annecy paysages
With the application, it’s better!


• Augmented walk
• Geolocated routes
• Works in augmented reality


Share your experience !


Download it for FREE!
Play Store and App Store

