Sous la
Benoît Billotte (FR)

Benoît Billotte’s Sous la canopée invites you into a colorful plant-themed world. The chapel of the Palais de l’Île d’Annecy hosts a set of naturally dyed fabrics that present an iconography about nature, or the so-called untamed space. This imagery has been shaped for several centuries not only by scientists, extractors of raw materials, and the tourist industry,  but also the cultural and artistic world. It is often linked to evoking a place far away, sometimes inaccessible, even imagined or already lost.


This exhibit was produced with support from the Grand Est region.



more informations
VenuePalais de l'Île - Musées d'AnnecyOpen the map

Exhibition from 06/25 to 10/04/2021
(subject to the health context)

Exhibition subject to opening hours
From July 1st to September 30th, open every day except Tuesday, from 10:30 am to 6 pm
October: open every day except Tuesday, from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm

Paying access
Full price: 3,80 €.
Reduced rate: 2 €.
Free for children under 12 years old

3 passage de l’Ile, 74000 Annecy
Phone : +33 (0)4 56 49 40 37 /
+33 (0)4 50 33 87 30

Palais de l’île