en famille
La Turbine sciences

Balade connectée, “Entre réel et virtuel au bord du Thiou”

Every Wednesday in July and August, 10am – 11:15am


As you stroll along, see the region’s landscape and heritage with new eyes. You’ll get your bearings with GPS and learn the names of the surrounding mountains and flowers, all thanks to your tablet or smartphone. When the virtual provides handy help with the real world.


Tablets on loan from Le Cyber espace

Information from the mediators at +33 (0)4 50 08 17 03


Le Cercle de l’eau, un voyage sonore au fil du temps

Every Thursday in July and August, 10:00 am – 11:15 am


Enjoy this sound voyage illustrating life on the banks of the Thiou during different eras. From the wild animals of the distant past to today’s urban life via the artisans of the Middle Ages and the history of the Brassilly turbine, 115 years elapsed. Let yourself be carried along by the sounds of the past.


Information from the mediators at +33 (0)4 50 08 17 04/08


VenueLa TurbineOpen the map

Animations from 07/01 to 08/26/2021

Animations subject to schedule
& reservation

Every Wednesday and Thursday in July and August, 10am – 11:15am

Reservation only on line on from 15 days before the date of the animation

Limited places (capacity may be modified according to health conditions)

Meeting point at La Turbine

From 7 years old

Cancelled in case of rain

Paying access

Full price: 5€

Reduced rate : 3€

Payment on site the same day

Place Chorus, 74960 Annecy

La Turbine sciences