Jean Denant (FR)

These large, polished metal sheets are Jean Denant’s way of showing us that nature and urban planning are inseparable. Hanging from the trees along the promenade d’Albigny, they reflect the constantly changing lake and city, with mirror images of the neighboring buildings.

Born in France in 1979, visual artist Jean Denant lives and works in Sète (France). With a degree in applied arts from École des beaux-arts de Toulouse, he works in many areas where painting, architecture, design, and sculpture meet, raising the issues of materials and workers’ movements and identities. His work is shown widely in France and abroad, in personal and group exhibitions in Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Barcelona, and Geneva, and on the artistic scene of young international creators with projects in Russia, China, Venezuela, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, and the United. States.

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Introduced in 2022